German Pastry Recipes
Germans love their pastries! They typically appear at breakfast or as an afternoon snack with coffee. My most popular recipes are my homemade Berliner (German donuts), Quarkbällchen (German quark donut holes) and Martinsbrezeln (German sweet pretzels).
Amerikaner: A German Pastry Recipe
Bierocks with Sausage and Sauerkraut
St Nicholas Day Tradition & Pastries (Weckmänner)
Authentic German Stollen Recipe
German Braided Bread with Poppyseeds (Mohn-Hefezopf)
Swiss Three Kings Cake (Dreikönigskuchen)
Authentic German Cinnamon Rolls (Franzbrötchen)
Authentic German Croissant Dough (Plunderteig)
Quark Strudel with Peach and Raspberry
Schaumküsse: German Chocolate Covered Meringue Treats
Nussstangen: German Hazelnut Twists
German Childhood Favorites: KiBa Muffins
German Sugar Pretzel Recipe (Martinsbrezeln)
Flaky Buttery Goodness
German Apple Cinnamon Rolls (Apfelschnecken)
Better Than Starbucks Pumpkin Muffins
Apple Croissants (German Apfelmushörnchen)
Amazing German Nut Bars (Nussecken)
Easy Rhubarb Muffins
Easy Cream Puffs (Classic German Windbeutel Version)
Amazing Lemon Donuts (Zitronen-Berliner)
Chocolate Chip Soft Pretzels (Schokobrezeln)
Strawberry-Rhubarb Strudel
Authentic Pide (Turkish Flatbread Pizza with 2 Fillings)
Crunchy Chocolate Clusters (Schokocrossies)
Lángos (Hungarian Fried Flatbread)
Homemade Apple Strudel (Apfelstrudel)
How to make Donuts (German Berliner)
Kartoffelwaffeln: German Potato Waffles
Lebkuchenherzen: German Gingerbread Hearts With Messages
Gluten-Free Milchschnitte
Spiced Plum Marzipan Tart
Rumtopf Scones Recipe (Easy)
EASY Donut Hole Recipe (Quarkbällchen)
German Nutella Quark Donut Holes
Bratapfel Teilchen: Baked Apple Pastries with Quark